Sunday, February 6, 2011

Exercise Widows?

The WSJ has a spread on a forty-something Merrill Lynch private banker who six years ago got into triathlon and has taken it a little too far. He's on a 2-hour-a-weekday, 6-hour-a-weekendday workout routine, leaving his wife to care for the 3 kids while he trains and competes -- and, I guess, works. They are forthright about the stresses this is putting on their marriage. He is nonetheless unapologetic. It turns out this guy and I are entered in the same race in Utah this May.

Here is where I pass judgment: that's not fair. I felt pretty bad heading out for two runs yesterday while P__ stayed home. It bothers me every time vacation means a couple of days after a race somewhere. Nobody is innocent. But I think there's a balance, and unless the article is overstating it, this guy is on the wrong side.

To be clear, nobody blogging here is unwilling to ditch the next morning's workout in order to catch a late movie, or to stay for dessert after a nice dinner out. Right?


  1. Is it so bad that I might blow off a really late movie the night before a very early 20 miler?

  2. No, it's not. I think we're talking past each other. The question is whether you occasionally ask for something for yourself -- the 20-miler and attendant down-time -- or constantly refuse to give anything to others -- 20 hours per week training in addition to a full-time job.
