Wednesday, June 15, 2011


P__ and a friend started taking Bikram yoga classes. Those are the 90-minute sessions in a heated room with a prescribed sequence of 26 poses, each of which you repeat before moving to the next one. Bikram starts standing with some balance poses and then moves to the mat for stretching poses. It's a remarkable experience.

The friend dropped out and starting last week I'm filling in. My goal is to supplement triathlon training, improve my (currently abysmal) flexibility, forestall injuries and maybe lose weight. One week in, I'm pleased. But it's quite humbling. Apparently very little about running, cycling and swimming prepares one for locked-leg arms to sky pivot on hip until body and leg are parallel to the floor . . .

1 comment:

  1. Love Bikram. Stopped doing it when my foot problems got bad because I couldn't do any of the standing poses bare foot. Not my favorite though in hot weather. I hope to start up again in the fall.
