Monday, June 20, 2011

DC Tri

The DC Triathlon was yesterday. We swam 1500 meters in the Potomac River, not nearly as gross as it would have been had you tried it in the 1980s; we rode 40 kilometers in a starfish pattern down Constitution, out E Street, on Whitehurst Freeway past Georgetown, up Rock Creek Parkway, and across Memorial Bridge, times two; and we ran 10 kilometers in a general eastward direction from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol, adding an out-and-back on several intersecting roads to make the distance (and apparently to see monuments, which I didn't). It's a fun race; it's nice to race and be home by 10 a.m.; it's a social event with many of my friends entering.

I'm continually surprised by something when I complete triathlons. Yesterday my swim, an event to which I devote very little training effort, was substantially stronger than normal; my bike, to which I have devoted much effort recently, was weaker than normal; and the run was about what one would expect.

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