Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tom Rosch Limbaugh

This is not about running, or even writing, though it does call to mind comments by Kovacic about other commissioners -- so it might be about reading. Here (excerpted from an article by Reuters) is the latest lob over the transom by the soon to be outgoing Comm'r Rosch at the FTC:

"Last summer, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder appointed a task force to look at the issue, which included the FTC and CFTC as well as several other government agencies.

That task force has "done nothing but sit on its hands," said Thomas Rosch, a Republican commissioner at the FTC.

"It has been nothing except a charade designed to let the public know, or at least think, that we're doing something about it (gasoline prices). I don't think we're doing anything about it," Rosch said at a hearing."

As I was trying to divine how Rush Limbaugh could possibly have gotten to the point of the comments he recently made about the Georgetown law student, I concluded that some combination of needing to outdo himself show after show and living in an echo chamber was the best explanation. By contrast, I too frequently see over-the-top commentary by Rosch, implicitly or explicitly criticizing staff at his own agency, and I don't think he has an excuse.

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