Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Year's Top 10

I surfed our little blog this morning. Here's my pick for the top 10 posts of the year. The order of listing is the order in which I located them.

1. Spencer's top-10 reasons series. Forced to pick one, I go with number 8.
2. "FALL." It was a great run.
3. Spencer on the Pilgrim's 5K. An age group podium and the post isn't even about that.
4. Paul on getting back to running. Despite "peeps."
5. Our series on fall marathons. Berlin, Hamptons, Chicago, Marine Corps, and New York. Gotta pick one, so I go with Spencer on his, and Ted's, September marathon.
6. Paul on winter workouts and obsession with output reports, from January. Who among us is innocent of that?
7. "The Old Man Of Running." That was during my early season obsession with living for a means and not for an end.
8. Ted on reversing the order in triathlon training.
9. Paul on running and a life romance.
10. Our Murakami "symposium." I love that it was proof of our disorganization, which is one of our greatest charms.

1 comment:

  1. That was wonderful, thanks for the look back. How about a Huffman top ten during the first quarter of 2012, with Stancil and Janger to follow? Are we also up for another running book symposium in 2012?
