Saturday, April 14, 2012


For the second day the nice folks at the Boston Athletic Association are warning of the predicted heat. This time they say that if you haven't been spending the last 10 days in this kind of weather, you should not run. Huh? It's been 60 degrees nationwide. Nobody will be left.

You folks in Chicago are accustomed to this, but not me. I've adjusted my goals from "break 3:00" to "finish standing up."


  1. 90 is predicted. I am no statistician, but it seems plausible (see Twombly) tha someone will die tomorrow. Maybe that's a tad melodramatic.

  2. Take it easy and try to have some fun. Please don't do anything crazy.

  3. I was surprised at how little the heat affected me. On the other hand, I was taken aback by the number of tapdancing polka-dotted elephants that apparently decided to run bandit this year. Several times I escaped being trampled only by seeking refuge in the glowing mushroom forest.
