Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Still slow.  Did 5ish at 10 minute pace yesterday.  Couldn't have really gone faster.  Not sure what's going on. Maybe I'm fighting off the bug du jour. . .  Resting today, will try again tomorrow. . .

Sunday, March 13, 2016

30 Mile Week -- Dead Legs

You never know when dead legs are going to hit.  I was feeling good on Tuesday, great on Thursday, pretty good on Friday.  Saturday I went up to Boston to visit family, and couldn't get my legs to turn over.  The same was true today.  Maybe it was the unfamiliar terrain, but even 10 minute miles felt hard.  Go figure . . .

Monday, March 7, 2016

Best running conversation with my daughter ever

"Hey dad, can I run a half marathon with you if you give me time to train?"

We have targeted the fall 2017 Newport RI Marathon.

Starting with a 5K in Providence on March 19th.