Sunday, January 20, 2013

Putting the "S" in LSD . . .

Okay, it hit me the other day that Rome is soon -- less than two months away.   That means that the serious long runs have to start now.  I usually like to log four 18-20 milers before a marathon.  That's just not going to happen.  I did 15 last week.  Seventeen today.  Next week is the Manhattan Half, so I have time for two 20s before March 1.   Today was just one of those days when the idea of running a marathon seems inconceivable.  The weather was great.  I had company for the first 11 miles, which helped, but still at 9 miles I was feeling pretty much cooked.  When my colleague peeled off, I just settled into the survival shuffle and slogged it out.  I still don't feel completely recovered from November.  Or is it that I'm not fully recovered from Christmas?

Maybe Max was right.  Maybe it does all end at 50 . . .


  1. i know the feeling. I have been doing more rowing and erging than running. My pace when on my feet though is abysmal. i tried one or two plods over ten miles and it was LSSSSSSSD, even then. I did a 15 and the PF came back during and so the last 3 were a deathmarch. Also, I am wondering whether the rowing is tightening my psoas and flexors are soooo tight and so after a few miles they slowly lock up and I feel I have no propulsion or stridelength. Normally I would do just as you would do but I am going to have to stick to trying to ratchet up slow and easy at lesser distances. Annoying, but hey, I am grateful to be plodding at all!!

  2. I suspect you are right about the tight hips. That would aggravate the PF, because it would require more push off.

    If the tightness is in the front (as mine has been from cycling), try a lunge stretch. I put one foot forward with the foot directly under the knee. The other leg I drop back with the knee on the ground. I push the knee back as far as I can and drop the hip. Does that make sense? The stretch is in the hamstring on the forward leg and the quad on the lagging leg. It seems to help.

  3. Agreed on the lunge stretch. The tamer version is with the knee on the edge of your bed.

    For glute/piriformis stretching, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat. One ankle up in the casual cross-leg posture (but still lying down). Grab the knee of the leg that still has the foot on the ground and pull it in. The glute and piriformis of the crossed leg should get a good deep stretch.

    I have not suffered as you have from foot ailments, but I have found that my foot is connected to my hip much more directly than was Ms. Palsgraf's injury to the exploding box (nod to Ted the Long Islander).

  4. Long Island??? Brooklyn is on Long Island??? Say it ain't so!!!

  5. Well, you commute across the invisible border for the occasional marathon, or so I hear.
