Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Some Future Posts I intend to eventually write

1) Ten years ago Cubs were ahead of the Miami Marlins and 5 outs away from going to their first World Series.  They obviously didn't make it.  It was probably my fault.  Will explain why.

2) Why we are really going to Iceland this summer.

3) Why the Red Wedding tv scene shouldn't have been that shocking on Game on Thrones.

4) Was the only time the four of us actually ran together Dublin antitrust marathon?

5) How will I keep up with Max tomorrow if he is healthy and uninjured?

6) What my daughter actually learned from Senate page school.  And does Parliament have anything similar she can do?  (Phil, this one is for you)

7) Its down to Portland Oregon and Newport Rhode Island for my 2013 marathon.  Discuss.Back up remains Cal Int'l in December or local burbs.

8) My pre and post-marathon meals.

9) Why I am angry at myself for being talked into a pair of expensive Adidas memory foam running shoes.

10) For trashy tv, why I dislike Red Dwarf, am so-so about the Walking Dead, and really want to watch In the Flesh on BBC America.

11) My growing fondness for Chris Christie (as long as he stays in New Jersey).


  1. 3. Read the books, people.
    4. Yes. But Becky and Max, I'm going to be in DC this weekend for a bat mitzvah.
    5. Recovery run for Max, tempo run for you.

  2. 4. Ted, I dearly hope we overlap. Two weeks two/from/in Newfoundland and 10 days to/from/in Alaska may preclude it.
    5. Spencer ignores our last run together in DC, when he kindly agreed to get coffee instead of adding on the extra miles he wanted to, because I could not keep up.
    7. I love everything to do with Portland, so that's my romantic favorite.
    9. I am so intrigued. I can't count the number of times I've had an entrepreneurial idea about which I ultimately said "that's not really a good idea for X or Y reason." Is it just me, or is success defined by willingness to market an idea despite observable downsides? (Goodness, I just defined success in scholarship, didn't I?)

  3. Bat Mitzvah is Saturday morning. Sunday is the best bet. You have to be prepared to run not very many 11 minute miles, because that's about all I can do right now . . .

  4. Where will you guys be running from? I need to start early and am going longer on Sat. but would like to be in the know just in case :)

  5. Embarrassing confession -- I don't even know where we're staying. Will find out. :-)

  6. At the Hilton Garden Inn, near the Bethesda Metro. I can meet anywhere on the Red Line. Early would be good.

  7. How about we (at least me and my running partner who lives in Rockville, we usu start at my house) meet you there? We were going to say 7:30 at my house. I might run up there though so time TBA.

  8. Sounds like a plan. I will check with my schedulers and the great tendon gods, and keep you posted.

  9. If I can join, I'd enjoy it.

  10. Max, current plan, to meet at 8 AM at the Bethesda Garden Inn for 5 (very) slow miles. Becky will do more.
