Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bruised Achilles -- I think

Okay, I mentioned a few weeks ago, that some reckless speedwork and a fast 5K had irritated my left achilles.  My rehab strategy was to use the Strassbourg Sock at night, and otherwise ignore it.  Since then I've run another 5K (much slower), and resumed a light/regular running schedule.  Bad news, it's been getting worse, not better.  Now it feels less like  tendonitis, and more like a pretty deep bruise.  Any suggestions?  For the moment, I've switched to bike and pool, but will try a bric tomorrow because, well, that's what's on the schedule.

I think I am entering the phase known as delayed onset marathon soreness.  It's like regular DOMS, but it comes on about a month after you run a marathon.  You may recall we were all b*tching and moaning in December about how we'd declined since our Fall marathon peaks.  Now I'm feeling it again.  This is notwithstanding my 5K PR in late March.

I wonder what's up.


  1. Have you tried cross friction self massage? Won't help if it is a bruise but will break up scarring etc if is the tendon. haven't heard of that long DOMS...maybe you are just doing too much? Take a couple of days off?

  2. Sounds like overuse. Take a few days off and get a professional massage as well. Just got back from my semi-weekly massage as part of my continuing rehab.

  3. I don't think the SS is meant for achilles pain. Be careful (I know you've dealt w/this before). Rest does help this one (which is why it's my most hated injury). Also stretch and foam roll your calves more than you thought possible.

  4. The sock has helped in the past, because it stretches out the calves -- same reason it helps with PF. It probably won't hurt. I've laid off running this week so far, and kept to the bike and pool.

  5. Becky, how was your race?

  6. Brick workout this morning . . . Left heel still hurts. Now right calf is sproinged . . . Time to heed Spencer's sage advice . . .
