Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Does it end at 50?

My various running and academic mentors -- co-bloggers included -- might argue otherwise. But a dour article on p. D6 of today's WSJ counsels that after age 50 running fast and far may be more stress than benefit. Running some is apparently a good thing. But running too hard apparently makes you age more quickly and overstresses the heart. One more source teaching "moderation, moderation."

As I stand here it's still drowned out by the Highlander theme song by Queen and the lure of a marathon starting line


  1. I frequently have such thoughts during the taper. They always vanish by mile 3, and I say good riddance.

  2. Oh yeah, did I mention that I just set a marathon PR at 51!! Woohoo!!!

  3. When I trained for my first marathon at mere 46, I was amazed by the guy who was 58 and still going strong. Now I want to be that guy.

  4. Soooo...I had a string of 3.17, 3.18, and a 3.16 PR to BQ, then I plateau'd in race after race at 3.30-3.45. Now I am five years older, a stone and a half heavier, coming off PF injury, and am 47. Is a sub3 possible for me, my hearties? How can I get "Max fit"? I need to do this, full stop, but also bet my best chance is before I am 50. Thoughts?

  5. Unfortunately, I'm the only regular here who is closer to 30 than to 50 (if barely) so my experience may not help. But like you I had a handful of faster races followed by a long doldrums with several races with quite respectable but not personal-performance-maximizing results. Then I hired a coach who said "why are you running a marathon every month"? Once I started seeing the marathon as a target to end the season and not something to do because I just enjoyed the party I started getting my times back where I wanted them. As someone else said, "training does not equal working out."

    So now I will take 2 weeks off, then start a 4-month build cycle to Boston. Lots of weights, lots of 400m repeats with lots of rest, lots of 90" hill climbs with big rest to build strength in the beginning.
